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Best Training Levels

  1. Pamala Sansone @ 26 May 2009 09:45:25 AM
    By now, most people should know about the training levels. Though there are are some who don't know, forgot or just want it confirmed.

    Well here are the the optimum training levels:

    141, 191, 241, 291, 341, 391, 441, 491.

    Since the level cap has been raised to level 700 I'm sure these 'super hard to get to' levels are also excellent training levels.

    541, 591, 641, 691.

    Here is an essay long description on how they work.

    You will notice that they start from level 141 and jump 50 levels each time.
    I'm not quite sure but I think they only work if you have an Island for your home.

    There are two reasons that it works this way.

    Firstly, you may notice that every now and then you get to a level where you can only kill 3 people with one lot of energy instead of the

    usual 4. This is because it takes 25% of your energy to kill somebody however at certain levels, even though the energy bar at the top

    says you have 25% left, if you divided your total energy by 4 then compared the result to the actual numerical value of energy you have

    left you will see that what you have left does not equal to 25%.

    You will also notice that when you go to fill your awake up it takes 1 point per 1% of awake to refill.
    Well the same thing that happens with your energy also happens with your awake.
    At some levels the awake bar may show that you have 99% of your awake and only need to use 1 point to fill up 1% of your awake so

    if you divided your total awake by 100 you will find out that you actually have a little less than 99% of your awake left. However, the

    amount doesn't quite add up to 98% so you have to fork out an extra point to fill probably 1.5% awake up because the computer

    rounds 0.5 up to the nearest whole number.

    I'm quite sure that some of the levels that this occurs at are 140, 190, 240, 290, 340, 390, 440, 490 ect... so, all the 40 and 90 levels

    are actually wasteful levels to train at.

    You may be wondering how this makes the 41 and 91 levels the best levels to train at.

    Just after these wasteful levels you get levels where you actually use less points to fill your awake. This is because your awake bar

    might show that you have 98% awake so you only have 2% to refill however the numerical value is more like 1.4% and the computer

    rounds this down to the nearest whole number.... 1%... so you only have to use 1 point to refill almost 2$ awake instead of 2 points!!

    The second reason is a little less defined.

    As you go up levels you will notice that your trains you get at the gym will gradually get higher.
    For each level you have a maximum train and a minimum train.... you also have an average train.

    For some levels, the max and minimum trains are the same as probably 10 levels lower and 10 levels higher however the average

    train for that level is higher than the levels below and sometimes, the levels above.

    At certain levels, your maximum train jumps up at a higher rate than the last few levels and your average train tends to be closer to

    your maximum train than it is to your minimum train.
    Funnily enough, these levels coincide with the levels that you spend less points on your awake.

    I didn't actually find this out myself, I think it was Nitro who found out first however I was a little skeptical so I tested all the levels from

    level 191 to the levels I am at currently and have found it to be true and understand it a lot better than I can explain it.

    So, if you want to mass train a lot of points, take advice from the experienced players and train at the 41 and 91 training levels.

    141, 191, 241, 291, 341, 391, 441, 491 ... (if you get this high) 541, 591, 641, 691, 741.
  2. Pamala Sansone @ 27 May 2009 02:38:55 AM
    :haha: Asher Wrote This Awesome Tips
  3. ~FNIGURU~ @ 04 Jun 2009 08:55:02 AM
    pft. You think Asher came up with this? Really?

    Nah babe. This is Nitrored's theory.
  4. [D†P] Sultan Griis @ 23 Jun 2009 04:33:25 PM
    I didn't actually find this out myself, I think it was Nitro who found out first however I was a little skeptical so I tested all the levels from

    So it's in there.
  5. [D†P] Sultan Griis @ 23 Jun 2009 04:34:16 PM
    Oh, sticky this if this theory is proven to be true. :razz: