
Forum » Suggestions

Game Bank links?

  1. Littled @ 20 Dec 2011 10:23:45 AM
    Make a link between MD1 and a trade center. So people can set up points and ratio. Centralize the system so there are less scams that way activity on both servers will be pretty good. :ice:

    Also to help remove the money from game keep a fee the person has to pay on a weekly or daily basis or whenever they have to use the system :smile:
  2. Nitrored @ 21 Dec 2011 04:21:20 AM
    Part of me understands the want for this... this is something players do, and there is a risk in doing so.

    But overall cross server trading isnt really game play, or game play related... at best it probably only hurts game play, because it creates an enviorment where you have to trade to compete... more then you have to mug to compete or hit to compete. I personally dont see it getting integrated into the system like this.

    only my 2 cents on it though
  3. [#14] pendingKill @ 21 Dec 2011 06:09:40 PM
    you have to trade to compete now unless you spend 14 hours a day on here or buy points..

    TMU utilizes a TRADE center and the activity is still the same..

    There will always be people who just only play this game so there will always still be mugs.
  4. Nitrored @ 21 Dec 2011 06:36:17 PM
    I understand that pK... i did it myself forever and its painfully profitable, but really its kinda depressing thats how you win the game...

    If there were a legit way to counter it and the years of damage, Id be all for it, but it doesnt seem like a reasonable solution that could do that exists... but I still dont see the game supporting it.

    Again its my 2 cents... who knows Dave could love the idea *shrug*
  5. Littled @ 22 Dec 2011 10:18:02 AM
    But its the same game and activity on both servers would be good. Like 2 different countries infact it can actually take points/money out of the game aswell with the fee solution kinda like moneytransfer :wink:. Right now its like a blackmarket you have a risk of getting scammed I understand there will always be people who will try and trade for free but there is always a solution for trading risk-free.

    Plus trading is the only way I make additional points. Maybe you can you know convince day of making it happen. :fistpump:
  6. [#14] pendingKill @ 22 Dec 2011 03:51:21 PM
    the only way this will work is if DAVE takes a substantial fee for the trade.. Im talking like 33%

    People will use it still and people will still buy his points and RM packs which is what he needs to keep making new updates..

    There are always ways around trading and or getting trades done.. this just keeps everything inhouse so to speak so people play here
  7. Littled @ 22 Dec 2011 04:54:52 PM
    Well 33% is a bit too much if the trades is just means for people to do trades what I meant to suggest was if I put something up then other people like you comes and does the transfer but it takes a fee for making it happen so I am talking about 12%
  8. Carroll Bergesen @ 22 Dec 2011 05:21:17 PM
    lol 12% is a little to much. the game gets 5% and the trader get 95% that's enough
  9. Littled @ 25 Dec 2011 01:04:39 PM
    Well there are some normal traders who I know charge 20% it seems ok I guess :wink: probably mention the minmum and maximum fee they can take