
Forum » Suggestions

Advanced jobs....

  1. .Jack. @ 02 Jul 2009 05:24:53 PM
    Well more and more people are getting highier stats and was just suggesting a highier job than assassin maybe required stats in Millions
    +1/-1 What ya reckon?
  2. Addie Kanarek @ 02 Jul 2009 06:26:17 PM
    been suggested a bunch..

    I was surprised when they didnt add the higher jobs when the lower ones were added.

    if people get the higher jobs a lot of people would like to see either a point system or a combination of points and money
  3. Otilia Alegar @ 28 Oct 2010 05:37:32 AM
    how about diversifying jobs like specializations. i guess not all people in the mafia would like to be a master assassin. some would like to be other types of criminal masterminds like a master thief or own their own casino or whosehouse. It could go like first be a beggar then after that you choose from becoming a pickpocket, drug runner, grocery boy helper and such then after that different job opportunities open up. End paths will be different but aside from that will also differ from the stat increase or money you get everyday.
  4. Don Delete @ 28 Oct 2010 04:54:22 PM
    +1, also why not make your Type be your job title, so if your a beggar, it shows your a beggar instead of mobster and the unemployeed be called mobster.
  5. Otilia Alegar @ 29 Oct 2010 12:55:54 AM
    That's what i'm pointing at. If you also check the gang positions, the leaders get to name people member or whatever but it doesn't really have any implications. The type could also assist in gang crimes by having it part of the requirements needed.