
Forum » Suggestions

Card Games

  1. Ɖℯvil Orobas™ @ 21 Dec 2011 05:17:17 AM
    Would it be possible to add a card game or two to md like poker or something? Where ppl would buy in with their pointz, and then maybe make it that after you buy in, if you go inactive lets say for 10 mmins it drops you out automatically, but it keeps your pointz. That way people wont join just to interrupt the game, and if someone does get kicked from the game then those pointz get added to the pot/ prize? So the pointz wont be wasted
  2. Dk™ @ 21 Dec 2011 05:18:47 AM
  3. McFluffyface @ 21 Dec 2011 12:28:00 PM
  4. ★Johnny Gat★ @ 21 Dec 2011 09:27:22 PM
    Sounds like a lot of work for dave but it would be a good addition. :fistpump:
  5. Hmm @ 22 Dec 2011 01:51:26 AM
    nah have it like 50/50 but require a certain # of people. the game is open for everyone to join until it has the max # like how gang crimes work now. and you can leave the game if you want until it fills up and begins.

    the only issue there is if someone has gone inactive. they could get kicked or we can have it be a totally automated thing where you get an event (again like 50/50) the event tells you what cards you got and if you won or lost and what you lost to
  6. Ɖℯvil Orobas™ @ 22 Dec 2011 05:46:28 AM
    50/50 is a game based on pure luck/chance at least with poker their is a bit of skill required I want to be able to have an affect of what happens to my pointz not leave it up to a computer to randomly pick a winner.

    now there is a point to what you said if you want to leave then there should be an option to do so, and you can walk away with what you have. So like if you joined in and were about to start playing but then something in rl made it so u cant play at the moment you can back out and wont lose a thing, unless u already bet pointz and lost the hand. Also their should be an option where if you started already but dont want to leave the game you can vote to suspend the game.

    also if u made 50/50 for multiple people for example 10 ppl it would then be 1/10 and not 50/50
  7. Ɖℯvil Orobas™ @ 22 Dec 2011 05:47:29 AM
    onn the other hand I would soooo cough up points to play a game of uno on here:haha:
  8. DELETE ME @ 22 Dec 2011 07:02:26 PM

    I like the idea. But really, you're going to need a lot of active players. I think it would become something where not so many people play it so you'd have to organise games with friends if you really want to play.

    Maybe if there is a vs. players and vs. CPU so that you could play alone? But that would involve a lot more work...

    I don't know about this one.
  9. Ɖℯvil Orobas™ @ 23 Dec 2011 01:17:45 AM
    cpu? that would mean theres a chance of everyone losing thier pointz to the game then where do they go?

    My main reason for posting this suggestion is because i think card games and mobsters go hand in hand and this being a mafia game n all i only put two n two together and got my idea. it doesn't have to be poker though, quite frankly i love playing spades more so than any other card game, but any card game would work i just used poker as an example
  10. Dk™ @ 23 Dec 2011 04:08:38 AM
    they should be small card games like 5 people join in a game if you go inactive you loose and the rest keep playing tell soomeone wins, but if you loose you can hop in a brand new game,.
  11. Rich Kuklinski @ 29 Dec 2011 12:18:08 AM