
Forum » Suggestions

Crimes, Training,Housing for Pets

  1. Jeanett Lasch @ 23 Jan 2011 01:27:23 PM
    I dont know if its been said before but the buying a def up, strength up, and speed up is costing to much and your only getting a little stats out of it so why not put in a training stats for dogs and crimes so they can lvl up and even housing or kennels for better awake and stuff
  2. bye bye @ 23 Jan 2011 06:16:12 PM
    Spending a lot and not getting much out of it is what stops it from being too easy.
  3. Beaulah Breutzman @ 26 Jan 2011 05:48:41 AM
    well, first you have got to get the pet idea functioning again.. I don't think anyone gives a shit at the dog they currently have..