
Forum » Suggestions

Forum notifications

  1. [NWO] Australian Dave @ 21 Apr 2023 02:24:38 AM
    Would it be possible to integrate a way to tag people in comments in forums that why when you respond to someone that will know? Just a thought.
  2. [BDU] ¡ƎIϽ˥ @ 21 Apr 2023 04:47:43 AM
    Yea why is this not a thing :nut:
  3. Don Pumpkinoso @ 21 Apr 2023 04:59:59 AM
    Forum needs to be made completely from scratch. No one is touching it until it has been done. Lol

    But great idea and +1 from me
  4. [NWO] Australian Dave @ 21 Apr 2023 05:21:07 AM
    :shy: Thanks guys. It was just a random idea I had earlier talking to Morgan
  5. [∞] Unethical Ethix @ 21 Apr 2023 05:32:41 AM
    One thing I would add to this is if there was to be a notification system added for the forums, depending on how it is implemented, it would probably be worth having some way to "mute" forum notifications from specific people if you choose, just like the "ignore" function

    It could even be rolled into the ignore function, but it would probably be better to be able to do it separately

    Just to help avoid any trolling where people get notification spammed with forum mentions
  6. [∞] Dark Big Gorilla @ 21 Apr 2023 06:15:10 AM
    +1, been thinking the same for a while now
  7. [∞] Sawyer @ 22 Apr 2023 03:42:21 PM
    +1 :cool: