
Forum » Suggestions

Selling items

  1. Clash @ 18 Feb 2011 04:19:37 AM
    Should be able to sell a specific item to the city store where you can get it from for a little higher price.

    Ex. Sell a chainsaw to the chainsaw store in Boston
  2. Cruz Roacho @ 19 Feb 2011 08:04:12 AM
    kinda pointless cause you would spend so much on traveling to the different cities to sell to each store
  3. Clash @ 19 Feb 2011 09:51:20 AM
    MP5 [x2]
    [sell] [market] [send] [equip]

    You are telling me you would not spend money to travel to a city to sell your items and make like 50k more from selling it to the dealer. Would be kind of :cool: and make selling to make money better.

    So not exactly pointless if you are making more money, just think about it Pink Penguin
  4. Clash @ 19 Feb 2011 09:54:36 AM
    STF Liquid Armour [x3]
    [sell] [market] [send] [equip]

    How much could I make off these?
  5. Ivey Kaut @ 20 Feb 2011 01:15:08 AM
    4m ea