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  1. bonek @ 10 May 2008 06:32:29 PM
    Here is your event and how it will work.

    You will begin on the next post. So be ready. It will start soon. And when I say finish stop.

    Then for the bunnies... I will hold a competition. After all this is over. (I will tell you when) I will give you one hour. Then you send me your event logs. I will give out prizes based on...

    ~ Bunny who took the most hits in that hour
    ~ Bunny who made the most points
    ~ Bunny that gave the most XP

    So, if you regular players have a favorite bunny. :) Hit them. And yes, still pay your bunnies.

    - Super Sexy Man
  2. Jae Bergsjo @ 10 May 2008 06:34:31 PM
    hit me!!!!!
  3. [T~K] ace98camaro @ 10 May 2008 06:35:21 PM
    can you still be count as
    ~ Bunny who took the most hits in that hour

    if that lose on the hit?