You are in a fight with [BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ.
You are using your bare hands.
[BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ has their Chainsaw equipped.
ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ says “Get ready to tango with the Silicon Valley's finest fighter.”
1: Using your fists, you did 879,892 damage to [BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ.
[BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ was on the Hit List.
You were paid $212,000 for fulfilling this contract.
You won the battle and gained 10 experience.
You took $1,125 from [BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ.
Your gang took $281.
You are in a fight with [BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ.
You are using your bare hands.
[BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ has their Chainsaw equipped.
ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ says “Get ready to tango with the Silicon Valley's finest fighter.”
1: Using your fists, you did 2,997,672 damage to [BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ.
[BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ was on the Hit List.
You were paid $212,000 for fulfilling this contract.
You won the battle and gained 10 experience.
You took $1,057 from [BD2] ѡɪĸᴀɴᴢ.
Your gang took $264.
You are in a fight with [YNM] Jonny2Gun.
You have your Bullwhip equipped.
[YNM] Jonny2Gun is using their bare hands.
Jonny2Gun says “From the land of clam chowder, I'll leave you stewing in your own defeat.”
1: Using their fists, [YNM] Jonny2Gun did 1 damage to you.
2: Using your Bullwhip, you tried to hit [YNM] Jonny2Gun and missed.
3: [YNM] Jonny2Gun swung at you and missed.
4: Using your Bullwhip, you did 5,590,553 damage to [YNM] Jonny2Gun.
[YNM] Jonny2Gun was on the Hit List.
You were paid $144,000 for fulfilling this contract.
You won the battle and gained 10,000 experience.
You are in a fight with [L~W] TheMadridMassive.
You are using your bare hands.
[L~W] TheMadridMassive is using their bare hands.
1: Using your fists, you did 4,770,794 damage to [L~W] TheMadridMassive.
[L~W] TheMadridMassive was on the Hit List.
You were paid $130,500 for fulfilling this contract.
You won the battle and gained 10 experience.
Active Experience Bonuses:
+2.5% - Hospital Count (25+ in hospital)
You gained 1 BONUS experience.
You took $1,162 from [L~W] TheMadridMassive.
Your gang took $290.
You are in a fight with [∞] 🥊Bo Nickal🥇.
You are using your bare hands.
[∞] 🥊Bo Nickal🥇 is using their bare hands.
🥊Bo Nickal🥇 says “Brace yourself for a battle that will shake the Keystone State to its core.”
1: Using your fists, you did 1,723,993 damage to [∞] 🥊Bo Nickal🥇.
[∞] 🥊Bo Nickal🥇 was on the Hit List.
You were paid $201,500 for fulfilling this contract.
You won the battle and gained 10 experience.
Active Experience Bonuses:
+2.5% - Hospital Count (25+ in hospital)
You gained 1 BONUS experience.
You are in a fight with [YNM] Jonny2Gun.
You have your Bullwhip equipped.
[YNM] Jonny2Gun is using their bare hands.
Jonny2Gun says “From the land of clam chowder, I'll leave you stewing in your own defeat.”
1: [YNM] Jonny2Gun swung at you and missed.
2: Using your Bullwhip, you did 1,864,585 damage to [YNM] Jonny2Gun.
You won the battle and gained 10,000 experience.
Active Experience Bonuses:
+2.5% - Hospital Count (25+ in hospital)
You gained 250 BONUS experience.
You have deposited $373,200 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $390,019 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $391,680 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $376,320 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $390,960 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $384,353 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $938,640 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $373,200 successfully.
Back to Bank
You have deposited $320,160 successfully.
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