
Quote: As I grabbed my boyfriend's hand, I noticed how cold it had become. Sighing, I went to reheat it in the microwave.

Rating: 38,348
Name: [~?~] ⭐⭐⚡⌛⛲⭐⭐ Language: English (AU)
Type: Mobster HP: 25,300 / 25,300 [100%]
Gender: Female Battles: 49,926
Level: 506 Crimes: 122,788
Prison (Caught): 3,741 Forum Posts: 3,441
Prison (Busts): 2,507 Money: $137,346
Age: 5,731 days Last Active: 2d 23h 37m
Gang: The Unknowns (member for 1 year) Online:
Land: Tropical Private Island House: Large Island Mansion
City: Miami Status: -
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