
Forum » Suggestions

Rare weapons and armour

  1. banzor me @ 04 Dec 2011 12:51:47 AM
  2. [#14] pippen @ 04 Dec 2011 12:53:36 AM
    Silence noob. Bring me some lasagna :smile:
  3. Peter Griffin @ 04 Dec 2011 01:27:12 AM
    This discussion has happen already many times. Rares that are over rpg 29 and spider silk. Are just not going to happen.

    The rich will pay whatever price to acquire it. A noob would be like ultra rare or sell it for 30k points?

    A high level will be that much stronger. You will have 1 high level happy and the rest will bitch about how bad it is.

    End of discussion. You guys want the ideas. You don't realize some ideas won't help make things better.

    You would have more bitching then anything.
  4. Frankie OGMD2 @ 04 Dec 2011 06:33:29 AM
    Wtf? The rich getting richer? It's the rich that keeps this server open. You honestly think the poor will ever catch up no matter what they do? And if they do then they are rich anyway. All this nobble the hof crap is rubbish. Why should I pay real dollars into a game that disadvantages that?
  5. [T~K] Sheriff Lansky @ 04 Dec 2011 07:49:35 PM
    I think "the rich" refers to those in good accounts with a lot of points to spare. Not those with a lot of RL cash...
  6. Evil Tanduay @ 04 Dec 2011 09:27:08 PM
    i like the idea. now rares are just rotting in the inv for most people and only people with alot of points colelct them. if they were better and people actually used them for a poor mid hof noob like myself to try and get them.