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  1. [~?~] ѕ𝓀𝐲β𝕝 @ 19 Nov 2018 08:25:17 AM
    288 is a huge number! You keep sticking yr head in the sand and blame the liberals.
  2. Paulie Walnuts @ 19 Nov 2018 12:34:55 PM
  3. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 01:58:45 PM
    For those who just want to see the graphs

  4. Paulie Walnuts @ 19 Nov 2018 02:02:49 PM
    it makes the idea of gun control a lot more humorous if you read it though.
  5. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 02:08:26 PM
    Some people also don't want to read what could be a biased explanation of "facts" on AUSTRALIA written by and AMERICAN :shifty:
  6. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 02:12:22 PM
    I mean Youse Americans can't even wrap your head around the fact that Foster's beer is a brand sold mainly over seas using the Aussies as a marketing scheme to sell Australian beer when in reality more Aussies drink XXX GOLD, West End, VB, or Coopers

    I've NEVER seen a fellow Aussie with a Foster's brand beer in thier hand

    Also we don't say "let's throw a shrimp on the Barbie"
  7. Paulie Walnuts @ 19 Nov 2018 02:12:29 PM
    would'nt that be the same as the Aussy opinion of American laws?:haha:
  8. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 02:15:23 PM
    The fact that the America has more school shootings than Australia is not just any opinion though, it's a fact admitted by citizens of the so called great America
  9. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 02:17:26 PM
    Plus there is how many terrorist or government cullings (whichever you choose to believe) in America and compare that to Australia

    I mean either way both countries have faults in the violence department, one just has more than the other
  10. Paulie Walnuts @ 19 Nov 2018 02:24:28 PM
    exchanging freedoms for fear is not the right answer.

    years ago they taught gun and hunter safety in school, when i grew up there were shooting teams in shooting happened

    in my opinion...the problem lies more in mental health issues, America has a tragic problem with mental health and it is a lot easier to blame a gun. if they blamed the people, doc's or drugs..etc..etc then liability would be on them. and the would get sued...kind of like how pharmacies are being sued for contributing to the opioid epidemic
  11. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 02:47:46 PM
    Okay one point raised in that article that I agree with so far is the criminal vs law abiding citezens where the criminals still kept their firearms, and this in my mind coencides with your mental health point

    What drives someone to rob a servo (gas station) for $300 rather than working a legit job and gaining say $300-$500 a week?

    Yes sure maybe some areas the jobs are scarce or maybe they are "ghetto"
    If such place is "ghetto" why does that community not get together and create businesses Eg fish and chip shops, second hand stores, small cafe's or lunch stands

    Yes I agree and I believe that it does come down to mental illness/issues that each individual has PLUS the up bringing that these people teach the next generation who know nothing better by the time they become adults, however it's not just this

    Why do schools not teach children basic REAL skills such as construction, automotive, child care, gardening or cooking instead of teaching them how to put a mentos in a Coke drink to make it fizz or how to get Borax and glue to make something you will probably NEVER use in your entire life. Instead children are taught boring useless subjects early on in life, told that they will never get anywhere in life without them which makes half of them feel like absolute crap because John Smith over there sucks at English and would rather spend his whole day learning how to restore our Forrests
  12. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 02:50:37 PM
    PLUS the up bringing that these people teach the next generation who know nothing better by the time they become adults, however it's not just this**

    A child see a criminal father and then in turn wants to become a criminal, the criminal father was in his child's shoes at one stage and so he passes on his own father's legacy (initiates child into gang)
  13. Paulie Walnuts @ 19 Nov 2018 03:02:36 PM
    thought we were talking gun laws?:haha:

    school, it is for fundamentals..true learning is up to the one can do it for you.

    as for the kid following in daddy's steps..not my problem."i am not my brothers keeper" and, i should'nt be held responsible or penalized for others fuck ups.

  14. John 3:16 @ 19 Nov 2018 04:12:11 PM
    Yea it all still ties in with gun laws still

    Take into account all this and tell me if any of what I've said would make a difference on the crime rates involving guns, it goes deeper than what the politicians can even imagine, goes deeper than what the common law abiding citizens even care to think about

    What I'm saying is that if my John Smith was doing something he was actually enjoying because it was the topic HE chose rather than the topic the school asked him to choose then he frobably wouldn't become that bored school bully that drove the harmless looking math nerd or art loving student into flipping their care switch and becoming what one would describe as a sociopath that ends up grabbing dads gun from the safe, as for you not being responsible for other people's fuck ups.... If you had a child then you automatically become responsible for teaching them to be the best they can

    Would you rather raise a criminal son or a son who will live an honest life?
  15. Paulie Walnuts @ 19 Nov 2018 04:34:02 PM
    there was a study once that showed well marked and obvious police officers deter crime at a very high rate. so what did they do? put out more under covers.:haha:

    today it seems laws are more for revenue streams then protection.