
Forum » Suggestions

War counter

  1. Unethical Ethix @ 28 Apr 2023 12:49:30 AM
    I think that's one of the big things that needs to be figured out

    Because lets face it, at this stage if wars are all about hitting, it just turns into a circle jerk between the top handful of accounts in each gang - which must be dreadfully boring for the rest of the gang that can't really get involved in any meaningful way

    Some sort of system that still counts hits, but provides an alternate route for every member of a gang that's active to meaningfully get involved would be ideal
  2. [~?~] ѕ𝓀𝐲β𝕝 @ 29 Apr 2023 02:47:49 AM
    You could consider the amount of experience too. Big accounts don't make much exp. I wouldn;t want to penalise a smaller stronger gang though